Making Expert beauty accessible
Achieve your beauty goals affordably without renouncing expert, medical-grade care. Explore membership plans, exclusive deals, and flexible payment options for lasting results with peace of mind.
Save Safely
At Healing Aesthetics
Free facial treatment of your choice every month
Discover a new treatment every month or follow a personalized plan to achieve your goal.
Treatments included:
Platinum Hydrafacial, Microneedling, PRX-T33,
VI Peel, CO2 Lift Facial, Smooth Threads, IPL Facial, Fractional Laser and Small area Laser Hair Removal
$ 149/month
Personal wallet & discounts
Enjoy the amazing benefits
- VIP membership wallet
Your VIP club fee will be stored in your personal VIP wallet to use towards services and products.
- Special discounts
16.6% OFF all neurotoxins (including Botox, Dysport)
15% OFF any other service/product